Visit of a member of the Basra Provincial Council to our college

The Deanship of the College of Fine Arts visited the jurist member of the Basra Provincial Council, Ahmad Abdul Hussein, head of the legal committee in the Basra Provincial Council, and consulted with the Dean, Dr. He can be a successful politician unless he is a successful university student, and the dean indicated in the conversation the importance of the state's attention 
The College of Fine Arts has a cultural and artistic role and is considered the leading institution that represents a civilized façade for the country. He also stressed the importance of its urban reality, because it is dilapidated and old, and a collapse may occur in some of them and this may constitute a dangerous event. The students showed their readiness and interaction in being the first to present such a matter to the portfolio council. He was received by the scientific assistant, Dr. Firas Jamil, the administrative assistant Dr. Ali Sharif, and the head of the plastic arts department, Dr. Nasser Samari, and the teacher in the college