Theses and messages, Department of Theater

Planned, completed and published research for the Department of Performing Arts
Teaching name Research Number of planned research Number of completed research Number of research accepted for publication Number of research published Date
Dr. Haider Saleh Dasher the codes of physical performance of the actor in the Iraqi theater (selected models) 1 4/1/2020
M.D. Hala Hassan Sebti, Natural Philosophy and Its Reflection in the Identity of the Iraqi Theatrical Show (Containers without a Homeland as a Model) 1/1/ 2020
M.D. Hala Hassan Sebti Shows of the glove puppet theater in developing language abilities in Basra Kindergarten (University Kindergarten as a model) 1
Dr. Hala Hassan Sebti
M.M. Rana Faleh, the symbol in the performance of the Iraqi actor (The Three Nights’ Blacksmith as a model) 2
Prof. Dr. Hazem Abdel Majid Ismail, the constant and variable in the aesthetic image in theatrical direction 2 1/8/2020
Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel Moneim Al-Khaqani
Asst. Raghad Abdul-Hussein Massad, the works of the implicit in the Iraqi theatrical text 2 1/4/2020
Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel Moneim Al-Khaqani
Eng. Raghad Abdul-Hussein Massad Al-Mudhamr in the plays of Abdul-Karim Al-Amri Jaaban (model) 3 1/4/2020
Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Hamdani
Prof. Jumana Rahim Ali to develop strategic role-playing skills for art teachers 4/1/2020
Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Hamdani
Eng. Amjad Jassim Katafa Social morphology in theatrical directors’ performances 5 1/4/2020
Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Hamdani Psychophysiological motives in the performance of theatrical actor 3 1/4/2020
Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Hamdani, Critic and Money in the Lost Time 4/1/1/2020
Iqbal Jassim Jaafar The contribution of the information and communication technology sector to the process of economic development in the United Arab Emirates 5 1/4/2020