discussion circle

(The role of educational supervision in developing the vision of the applied Artistic Education department)

A panel discussion was held in the Artistic Education Department of the College of Fine Arts at Basra University

(The role of educational supervision in developing the vision of the applied art education department)The researcher and teacher in the department (Ali Nuri Muhammad) touched on the principle of foresight, which represents an attempt to invest and develop the vision of art education students during practical applications throughout the governorate’s schools towards the educational vision in art and aesthetic taste in front of the environment in which we live at the present time as it refuses to acknowledge the importance of this activity that he practiced. Man since ancient times 

This investment begins with the applied students being the owners of a message that they will carry during their application in schools, the aim of which is to pay attention to and follow up their applications by knowing the positive obstacles that they face during the practice of the application, and considering them as study points, similar to which can explain research problems and find solutions to them through a forward-looking look. Towards the future

The seminar was moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Seif El-Din Abdel-Wadoud, Head of the Art Education Department, and was attended by a group of professors and students of the department