A teaching participant at Basra University participates in the 18th BlT (Basra lnformation Technology) conference

Prof. Iqbal Jassim Jaafar, a teaching  in the theater arts department of the College of Fine Arts at the University of Basra, participated in the BIT'18 (Basra Information Technology) conference, where she was invited to attend the conference, which is the first in Iraq in the field of information technology, and was sponsored by the Southern Technical University with the participation International companies such as Microsoft, Earthlink, Oracle and a number of companies, which is a global event concerned with young people's technological innovations and presenting the most important modern developments in this field. Hackathon competition was also held, in which a number of youth teams in Basra and the provinces participated. This conference concluded the importance of focusing on introducing Modern technologies in various state facilities and youth welfare to bring about change through modern electronic applications