A teaching at the College of Fine Arts receives a Shield of Excellence for his participation in the opening of the International Plastic Exhibition for Lebanese and Arab Artists

The International Creativity Festival, which is organized by the Southern Artist Forum, headed by the artist Dr. Hussein Salloum, in cooperation with the Arab Aesthetics Association for Arab Artists headed by the artist Dr. Tahrir Ali, for example, from Basra University.

and this is. The huge art exhibition of a group of Arab and Lebanese artists within the activities of the International Creativity Festival, and Arab artists from Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, Syria, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Yemen participated in this festival.

The State of Iraq was represented by the plastic artist, Dr. Tahrir Ali from Basra University, and from Kuwait, the artist Kifah Abdul Hamid Ali. From Bahrain, from Farida Darwish, and from Saudi Arabia, Zahra Hussein. And from Syria, the artist Adham Abed, and from Qatar, the artist, Modi Al-Hajri, from the Sultanate. Oman, the artist, Ziana Al-Jabri

 Everyone praised this humanitarian initiative presented by Arab and Lebanese artists, which carried on its wings a human dimension that was reflected in the idea of ​​this exhibition, whose proceeds were allocated to humanitarian organizations. The marginalization that deals with the charitable work of the people, and this day I am staying in the "House of Beautiful Time" in the city of Nabatiyeh ...

Iraq was represented in this educational and artistic forum at the College of Fine Arts, plastic artist Dr. Tahrir Ali, a professor at the College of Fine Arts, who was honored with the shield of excellence and creativity and received four certificates of appreciation and a medal