A PhD thesis at Basra University discusses the conceptual shift in contemporary world sculptural ceramics

A PhD thesis at the College of Fine Arts at Basra University discussed the conceptual transformation in contemporary global sculptural ceramics. The thesis presented by researcher Saif Nasr Abdel Sajjad included four chapters. The first chapter covers the general framework for the research. As for the second chapter, it contained four topics, the first was entitled “Conceptualism, what it is and pictures of its performance in plastic art, and the second was the conceptual structure in contemporary ceramics, and the third topic was titled The Transformer with Performative Systems in Contemporary Ceramics, while the fourth section dealt with sculptural ceramics, its characteristics and its concentrations in contemporary art. . The third chapter, the research procedures, includes the method used, and the researcher briefed his research community with 90 international works for every potter. The fourth chapter drew conclusions, among which the conceptual shift showed two types of artistic transformation in the sculptural ceramic formation. The first is the transformation before the emergence of the Dadaist, Surrealist and Futurist conceptual art, and the second post-conceptual transformation, which is the connection of the ceramic art with the post-conceptual art in the art of preparation. The thesis aimed to explain the features of the conceptual shift and its concentrations in sculptural ceramics in particular. The thesis recommended the emergence of sculptural ceramics from the frameworks of craft and industry into a new intellectual framework characterized by the features of permanent transformation in scientific discoveries in which porcelain blended all the arts of performance, music and the body.