A master's thesis in the College of Fine Arts, University of Basra, examined the impact of representational performance to develop teacher skills in curricular theater
The message presented by student Alaa Muhammad Nafi 00 included four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the aspects of convergence between the actor and the teacher in terms of idea and style as follows. Topic 0
As for the second chapter, the researcher dealt with the skills of the theater actor and their impact on the style of the teacher, indicating the nature of the skill and its type in terms of mastering the letter or trimming certain actions and the ways that can be achieved through them
The third chapter revealed results represented in the representation that the values of the representation in its properties crossed with the educational values in terms of the skill capacity of the actor according to the movement 00 the voice, in addition to the technical skills of the representation forming valuable properties of the educational behavior variable according to awareness, thought and style.
The fourth chapter indicated that acting is a valuable skill in the effectiveness of human development in general according to the training formula and increasing the effectiveness of the teacher to develop educational educational capabilities.
The importance of the research crystallized as follows: Is there an effect of representational performance in developing the teacher's skills through the dramatization of the curriculum in the face of this hypothesis?
The conclusions reached by the research, representation is a valuable skill in the effectiveness of human development in general according to training formulas and increasing the effectiveness of the teacher to develop educational and educational capabilities, the actor's ability to transform place and time and the idea affects the other as a basic feature of teacher training and transforming the artistic, theatrical and aesthetic assumption of the scientific, cognitive and educational assumption.