Representatives of the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts congratulate Professor Dr. Nasser Samari Jafar on the occasion of his inauguration

A delegation of representatives of students of the Faculty of Fine Arts visited Dr. Nasser Samari Jafar to present congratulations on the occasion of his inauguration of the new position. In the presence of the administrative assistant, assistant professor Dr. Oras Jabbar Sahim, and Dr. Mohannad Khazali, head of the Department of plastic arts.
The students expressed their appreciation for the dean's efforts in supporting the academic and artistic career, wishing him success in his new mission. The delegation also presented symbolic gifts as an expression of their gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Dean.
For his part, Dr. Nasser thanked the students for this initiative, stressing his keenness to strengthen communication with them and work to improve the academic and technical level of the college and provide them with the necessary support in their academic career.
Media division of the Faculty of Fine Arts