final exams

Phase 30/8 30/9 30/10 30/11 30/12 30/1 30/2
The first representation of the Arabic language d. Abdullah (electronic) computer N + A. M. Iqbal
first output
first techniques
The first is literature and criticism
The second representation of the Arabic language d. Abdullah (electronic) research assets d. azar english m. M Ali
second output
II techniques
The third representation of aesthetics d. Hazem (electronic) theater history d. Hassan Khaqani
(electronic) Arabic language d. Abdallah
third output
The third techniques applications m. Scene
The third is literature and criticism
Fourth computer representation N + A. M. Iqbal (electronic) Theatrical Psychology Dr. on me
(Electronic) Playwright Dr. Hassan Khaqani
fourth output
Fourth techniques applications d. generous
The fourth is literature and criticism