The College of Fine Arts at the University of Basrah holds a symposium on realistic and civilized connotations with a symbolic expression in the monument of the sculptor Abbas Gharib

The Continuing Education Unit was established at the College of Fine Arts, University of Basrah
An electronic symposium on realistic and civilized connotations in a symbolic expression in the monument of the artist Abbas Gharib
The seminar, which was moderated by the assistant teacher Hadeel Iyad, included the lecture of the artist Abbas Gharib, who was known for his sculptural monument and its place of residence in Baghdad and the provinces of the country.

The symposium also discussed the artist's work method and technique in which he worked in his contemporary sculptural works.
A group of teachers and students participated in the symposium
The symposium aims to shed light on the technique of the work of the artist Abbas and his prominent and rounded sculptural works, as well as teaching students the mechanisms and stages of completing the monument’s work, and introducing the importance of this art and its role in the contemporary Iraqi fine movement.