The College of Fine Arts at the University of Basra holds a symposium on (the biography and a workshop for the unrealism experience in the work of the artist Faiq Rasoul).

The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Fine Arts, University of Basra, held an electronic symposium on (Biography and a workshop for the unrealism experience in the work of the artist Faiq Rasoul)
The symposium, which was moderated by the assistant teacher Hadeel Iyad and attended by the artist Faeq Rasoul, included an overview of the artist Faiq’s personal and artistic life with direct work on the artwork
The symposium also discussed the subject of the artist, which he adopts from reality, and which strips it in a very simple way in which the formations of shapes almost disappear.
The seminar was attended by teachers and students
The symposium aims to shed light on the artist Faeq Rasoul in the diaspora in Vienna, as well as to teach students the mechanisms of the stages of forming the abstract shapes that the artist has taken in his artistic works and to indicate the importance of this art and its role in contemporary Iraqi art