The College of Fine Arts at the University of Basrah holds a symposium on (human rights and its types in international and international conventions).

The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Fine Arts held a symposium in the Continuing Education Unit Hall at the College of Fine Arts on (human rights and its types in international and The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Fine Arts held a symposium in the Continuing Education Unit Hall at the College of Fine Arts on (human rights and its types in international and globl conventions)
The seminar, which was moderated by the assistant teacher Hadeel Iyad and lectured by the jurist at the College of Arts, Professor Ali Mahdi Abbas, and a group of human rights associations and civil society organizations represented by the Tawasul Organization for Development, represented by Dr. Dr. Kefaya Waheed Salman and Dr. Sarah Ibrahim Ahmed represented her, including a definition of the meaning and nature of human rights in international conventions and how to implement human rights law through governmental and non-governmental institutions.
The symposium also discussed the role of organizations in community service and the application of human rights law in it and the extent of the positive role played by these organizations in the interest of community members.
The symposium was attended by the Head of the Department of Plastic Arts, Dr. Asmaa Samir, with Mrs. Amani Kazem Hajul, and a group of students and employees of the College of Fine Arts.
The symposium aims to introduce the meaning of human rights in depth to students and faculty who are ignorant of many details about the nature and types of human rights represented in the right to equality, the right to work, the right to justice, the right to education, the right to health and others in international conventions. conventions)
The seminar, which was moderated by the assistant teacher Hadeel Iyad and lectured by the jurist at the College of Arts, Professor Ali Mahdi Abbas, and a group of human rights associations and civil society organizations represented by the Tawasul Organization for Development, represented by Dr. Dr. Kefaya Waheed Salman and Dr. Sarah Ibrahim Ahmed represented her, including a definition of the meaning and nature of human rights in international conventions and how to implement human rights law through governmental and non-governmental institutions.
The symposium also discussed the role of organizations in community service and the application of human rights law in it and the extent of the positive role played by these organizations in the interest of community members.
The symposium was attended by the Head of the Department of Plastic Arts, Dr. Asmaa Samir, with Mrs. Amani Kazem Hajul, and a group of students and employees of the College of Fine Arts.
The symposium aims to introduce the meaning of human rights in depth to students and faculty who are ignorant of many details about the nature and types of human rights represented in the right to equality, the right to work, the right to justice, the right to education, the right to health and others in international conventions.