The Department of Art Education at the College of Fine Arts, University of Basra, holds theatrical performances at Abi Al-Khasib Model School which its have international standards

Under the patronage and support of the Dean of the College of Fine Arts, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kinani, and within the Tamkeen Child Support Project
The Department of Art Education at the College of Fine Arts, University of Basra, held theater performances at Abi Al-Khasib Model School which its have international standards
The show included three plays, the first is Gargamel, the second is The Rabbit and Winter, and the third is The Butterfly and the Mother.
These plays were presented by students of the fourth stage of the Department of Art Education at the College of Fine Arts
These performances aim to draw joy on the children’s faces and present the experiences of the Theatrical Art Education Department and share them with the outside community because of the activities it contains that are concerned with children and have a meaningful and beautiful meaning.
The College of Fine Arts at the University of Basra continues to provide all artistic events and activities according to a program prepared by it within the Tamkeen initiative to develop talents for all segments of society.