The Presidency of Basra University - Scientific Cooperation Unit and Civil Society Organizations in Basrah Governorate, in cooperation with the College of Fine Arts, holds a cultural awareness seminar on youth, peace and security

The Presidency of the University of Basrah - the Scientific Cooperation Unit with scientific societies and civil society organizations in the province of Basra, in cooperation with the College of Fine Arts at the University of Basra, held an educational and awareness symposium on youth, peace and security
The symposium, which was held by Dr. Abdul Razzaq Rahim and assistant teacher Naglaa Al-Saffar, included the foundations and concepts of peace and security for young students with the aim of raising awareness, educating and immunizing the student from the social ills and negatives that he faces inside the university campus.
The symposium also discussed the phenomenon of electronic blackmail, which is a phenomenon and a negative scourge in our social environment, which led to many problems, including deprivation, accusations, theft and murder.
The head of the Department of Plastic Arts, Dr. Asma Samir, and a group of employees and students of the College of Fine Arts participated in the symposium

The symposium aims to direct students to how to deal with negative phenomena in society in general and the university campus in particular, and try to explain the concepts through which it is made clear to the student that entering the university campus has controls, values ​​and concepts that he must adhere to in order to be entrenched in science, awareness and culture.