The annual music festival of the Department of Musical Arts in cooperation with the Children's Orchestra

The Department of Musical Arts, in cooperation with the Basra Orchestra, holds the annual music festival for the period from January 2 to 4, 2018, and the festival includes the following themes and paragraphs.

First: Research working papers submitted by researchers

1 - Prof. Dr. Nasser Hashem Badan

2 - Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Mohamed

3 - Prof. Dr. Saleh Al-Fahdawi (University of Baghdad)

4 - Assistant Professor Firas Yassin (University of Baghdad)

5 - Teacher Qais Odeh Qasim (Basra University)

6- Assistant Lecturer Ali Najm Abdullah (Basra University)

6- Muhammad Amin Ezzat, Commander of the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra.

7 - Majid Hussein Musa, member of the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra and director of the Youth Orchestra.
Second: the musical performances

1 - A musical performance by some of the band's members, the Iraqi National Symphony.

2- The Basra Orchestra Troupe.

3 - Shanashel Band.

4 - brightening band.

We are awaiting the official approval of the Cinema and Theater Department and the Artists Syndicate to participate.

Third: the place of the festival.

Central theater hall at the College of Fine Arts.

Majeed Al-Ali Hall in the College of Fine Arts.

Continuing Education Hall at the College of Fine Arts.

Fourth: Pioneering artists will be honored in various artistic disciplines.

The invitation is public to all.

Dr. Adnan Khalaf Sahi

Festival Director