The Artistic Education Department organizes a visit to the orphanage and provides gifts and entertainment and artistic items for children

The Department of Artistic Education at the College of Fine Arts at the University of Basra organized a visit to the State House for Orphans in Basra, which occurred in the Gulf neighborhood (associations) in a voluntary humanitarian gesture by students and professors of the department, on Wednesday, the 27th of this March, and the visiting delegation included a number of teaching staff. They are: Assistant Professor Dr. Saif Al-Din Abdel-Wadoud Al-Hamdani, Assistant Lecturer Ammar Sabah Abdullah, Assistant Lecturer Marwa Nizar Youssef and Assistant Lecturer Haider Ali Al-Asadi, in addition to a group of third-stage students, and the visit included a rich artistic and entertainment program, which began with an awareness lecture for Assistant Professor Dr. Saif Al-Din Al-Hamdani on promoting positive behavior for children through learning, after which the students of the third stage gave an educational theatrical presentation directed by the student Zainab Ali, then a free drawing workshop was held under the management of the assistant teacher Ammar Sabah Abdullah, and then a workshop for handicrafts managed by the assistant teacher Marwa Nizar Youssef, where the children interacted Orphans with practical workshops and participated in drawing and handicrafts, and finally gifts were presented to the orphans amid warm hospitality, great joy and happiness for all Children who had a nice day with professors and students of the Art Education Department, and in turn, the house’s management thanked the Department of Art Education in the College of Fine Arts for this humanitarian initiative aimed at bringing happiness to the hearts of orphans.