(Basra University organizes a workshop on scientific researcher (googl escholar

The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Fine Arts at Basra University organized a workshop on scientific researcher (googl escholar).

The workshop presented by the teacher Hussein Abdul Karim Yunus, specializing in Computer Science, aims to provide a detailed explanation about the scientific researcher, "google scholar," how to register and upload scientific research published in international journals, and to clarify the most important benefits of Google Scholar in terms of multiple options for academic research and how to create an account on the engine Research and how to create a library and to include the published research. The registration mechanism has been applied in a practical way and the possibility of updating it using the university’s e-mail . It came up with recommendations to prepare an account for each instructor for the purpose of communicating with international researchers between (Arabs and foreigners) and raising the level of quality assurance and university performance of the university through the number of citations Teaching staff articles