(Basra University holds a workshop (in the classification of Iraqi scientific research globally

The Dean of the College of Fine Arts, Assistant Professor Dr. Farazdaq Qasim, Dr. Zain Al-Abidin Jassem, Head of the Art Education Department, Dr. Sarmad Yassin, Head of the Audio and Visual Arts Department, Dr. Nawras Adnan, Head of the Fine Arts Department, teacher Hassan Talib Genzi and Assistant Lecturer Haider Jaafar Saadoun participated

In a workshop held by the Presidency of Basra University under the patronage and presence of Prof. Dr. Sajid Saad Hassan Al-Nur, President of Basra University, and members of the faculty at Basra University on Wednesday 20 March 2019, and at the conference room at the University Presidency.

The workshop included several topics, the most important of which are:

1- Classification of Iraqi scientific research internationally.

2- Indexing of refereed Iraqi scientific journals.

3- Virtual Library.

The workshop, in which Dr. Youssef Khalaf Youssef, Director of the Entrepreneurial Projects Department in the Research and Development Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, lectured, aimed to uncover the mechanisms of starting Iraqi research towards the world