(Basra University organizes a lecture entitled (Modern Teaching Methods

The College of Fine Arts at Basra University organized a lecture entitled (Modern Teaching Methods) presented by the teaching staff, Sanaa Kazem Muhammad, on Monday, corresponding to 3/11/2019, in the Continuing Education Hall.

The lecture aims to define brainstorming: it is a relatively modern method that entered the university concept in Iraq in the year 2000 AD and provides for stimulating the student’s ideas and giving him a large margin of freedom of thought and suggestion to develop the idea of ​​the topic to activate the current and previous memory,

The leader of (brainstorming) must encourage and accept strange ideas from his students, then filter them and put them in the direction of implementation and solutions to the study problem in question, and it is important to give the students a measure of confidence in their souls in order to encourage them to express opinion, creativity, participation and achievement.