A master's thesis at the University of Basrah examines the artistic targeting of ideological privacy in contemporary global formation


A master's thesis at the College of Fine Arts, University of Basrah

examined the artistic targeting of ideological privacy in contemporary global formation. World Painting Products.
The thesis discussed many topics, including the power of art in aesthetic persuasion, ideological distinctions, the pursuit of penetration, as well as the movement of ideologies through global formation.
The message aims to reveal the influence of the local artist's productions around the world, with the messages he receives on international art, which has the forefront and established dominance.The thesis concluded that the ideological movement produced social, political, and economic transformations that affected the course of art and the presentation of ideas and concepts through the aesthetic discourse portal, and that the successive intellectual currents that moved the wheel of systemic transformations of art represent the mental and cognitive development of man in several historical stages and his tendencies for development and expression with more comprehensive mechanisms.