A master's thesis at the University of Basrah examines the aesthetics of improvisation in contemporary Iraqi formation

A master's thesis at the University of Basra, College of Fine Arts, examined the aesthetics of improvisation in contemporary Iraqi formation, and included the thesis presented by the researcher (Nada Adel Mahdi).
The subject of the aesthetics of improvisation in contemporary Iraqi formation, which raises several questions, including the improvisational act that achieves artistic production that renews the artist's own style? And develops the artistic experience? Are the features of improvisation clear for reading by denying the introductions that know the existence of miniature models of the artwork?
The letter discussed the idea of ​​improvisational action, which is based on the psychological motives that surround the artist The message aims to reveal the features of the act of improvisation in contemporary Iraqi formation
The thesis concluded that the act of improvisation gave a great leeway to inventing previously unfamiliar and previously unpopular topics, with their strangeness, astonishment, excitement and shock.