His doctoral thesis at the University of Basra discusses the approaches of pareidolia in the contemporary global formation

His doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Basra discussed pareidolia approaches in contemporary global shaping.

The thesis presented by the researcher Haider Mehdi Abdul Rasul included the topic of pareidolia approaches in the contemporary global formation and the psychological indicators as it represents a clinical psychological term that includes the creation of visual and intellectual illusion and the extent of its reflection in his approaches to contemporary plastic arts.

The thesis aims to reveal the concept of pareidolia and how it is realized in the artistic achievement as it represents a state of false and deceptive image among visual perception.

The thesis concluded that the phenomenon of pareidolia belongs to the initial concepts that fall within the context of a case of clinical psychopathology through which the harbingers of mental disorders of the individual and his self-orientation are detected.

Informing the Faculty of Fine Arts