His doctoral thesis at the University of Basra examines the transformations of the image and the manifestations of the simulacrum in contemporary theatrical performance

His doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Basra examined image transformations and manifestations of the simulacrum in contemporary theatrical performance.
The thesis presented by the researcher Ammar Saleh Mahdi al-Marhoon aims to identify the concept of simulacrum and its figurative representations in contemporary dramatic discourse.
The thesis included explaining the concept of simulacrum as one of the various concepts in the midst of the contemporary cultural artistic discourse and one of the most confusing and complex concepts in the formulation of the artistic discourse surrounding the theater.
The thesis concluded that the image of the simulacrum was banned as a path through which it is possible to reveal the issues of humanitarian issues by bypassing the literature of consistency and linguistic construction and adopting the alternative image in reading the presentation speech.
Media division of the Faculty of Fine Arts