Teaching at the University of Basra as chairman of the Wasit International Film Festival jury

Teaching at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Basra, assistant teacher Essam Jafar a'ab participated in the Wasit International Film Festival, the ninth session (artist Iyad al-Taie course). After being selected as the chairman of the jury committee of the festival, in addition to the membership of film director Ali al Bayati and film director Azhar Khamis, which will be held for the period from 18-4-2024 for three days.
The festival will also honor five artistic personalities in its ninth session, and 17 films from 12 countries will be screened in the official competition.
There will be three main prizes at the festival for the first three places. In addition to the fourth award, which is (Special Jury Prize).
Media division of the Faculty of Fine Arts