A master's thesis at Basra University examines the problem of identity in contemporary Arab Gulf sculpture

A master's thesis in the College of Fine Arts, University of Basra, examined the problem of identity in contemporary Arab Gulf sculpture.

The thesis presented by researcher Hani Taher Salman contains four chapters.

The first chapter contains the research problem, which the researcher summarized with the following question (the problem of identity in contemporary Gulf sculpture) on which to base the research goal and its formulation.

As for the second chapter, it includes four sections, the first section under the title The Concept of Identity, and the second section entitled Artistic Identity through Civilizations. The third section deals with the identity of sculpture in modernity and postmodernity, and the fourth section deals with the history of the emergence of sculpture in the contemporary Arab Gulf.

While the third chapter (Research Procedures) included the research method used in analyzing the sample.

The fourth chapter included the results and conclusions, discussed them, and then presented recommendations and proposals.

It showed the importance of research by revealing the problematic and the importance of the research that came by shedding light on the problematic of identity in contemporary Arab Gulf sculpture.

The research concluded: The Gulf sculptor employed some of the elements of the popular heritage in his sculptural works with a contemporary look in order to express the local identity as well as aesthetic connotations.

The research recommended .. Some sculptors tried to combine the elements of the local environment with contemporary art styles to arrive at what represents the Gulf identity.